Training the Trainers: Forging a Safer Utilization of Marine Resources

Last June Dr. Juan G. González Lagoa and CARICOOS personnel engaged secondary school teachers in a two-day workshop with the purpose of spreading CARICOOS mission to make marine activities safer, foster economic development, encourage conservation of marine resources, and further educate in topics related to the marine environment. In order to provide the necessary tools to grasp the inherent importance of CARICOOS work, Dr. González introduced teachers to the fundamental physical, chemical, geological and biological aspects of the ocean during the first day of the workshop. On the second day, CARICOOS staff (Adolfo Gonzalez and Luis Pomales) introduced participants to a variety of CARICOOS web products, including the Breaker Height Forecast, the Hurricane Season dashboard, the storm surge and sea level rise maps, and most observational assets. At the end of the workshop participants were happy to share their excitement, thoughts, recommendations, and intentions to collaborate with CARICOOS on educational activities and citizen science initiatives. CARICOOS thanks these dedicated teachers for their time and feedback, as it will help to spread our mission even further.

Workshop participants: Brenda Lee Estévez, Maria D. Correa, Marta R. Morales, Carmelo Sánchez, Rosalina Alvarado, Roberto Batista, Benigno Ojeda, Marta E. Rosado, Mark A. Huaman and Osvaldo Medina.