
Boats and Apps

The Caribbean Ocean Observing System (CARICOOS) provides observations and forecasts about wind, wave, tides, currents, ocean color, among other parameters. This information is a very important tool for decision making. In fact, CARICOOS have become the main source of information when planning marine operations, scuba diving tours, boating or your next day at the beach…. Read More

Sargassum outlook – November 2018 update, by USF Optical Oceanography Lab

So far the Caribbean Sea (CS) has experienced a record-high Sargassum bloom ever since January 2018. The maps below show Sargassum abundance, with warm colors representing high abundance. In November 2018, the bloom intensity continued to decrease in the CS, but still comparable to the bloom extent in November 2015. There is also significant amount… Read More Sargassum