Mercator Ocean International (MOi) oceanographers examine marine heatwaves across the global ocean. They analyse a variety of datasets from observations (satellite sea surface temperature maps) to numerical model analyses (assimilating satellite and in situ observations) and derive marine heatwave forecasts for a 7 day period.[1]
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic – MOi forecasts that the marine heatwave in the North Atlantic is developing in the east in moderate categories, off the Moroccan coast, while in the west it fades away in the Sargasso Sea.
Tropical North Atlantic – In the Tropical North Atlantic the marine heatwave remains stable, except in the Caribbean Sea and in the Gulf of Mexico, where it decreases in strength with moderate to strong categories.
South Tropical Atlantic – In the South Tropical Atlantic, the marine heatwave strength slightly decreases, in particular off the African coasts, with a change from strong to moderate categories.
Pacific Ocean
Tropical Pacific – In the Tropical Pacific the marine heat wave remains globally stable with mostly moderate and strong categories. The development of a strong categories marine heat wave is forecasted north of Papua New Guinea.
North Pacific – In the North Pacific, the marine heatwave located around 45°N and 170°W decreases in intensity, with a change from mainly strong and severe categories to moderate and strong categories.
South-East Asian Seas – The marine heatwave intensity in the South China Sea keeps decreasing in strength with a slight decline in the strong categories surface in favor of moderate ones.
South Pacific, to the east of New-Zealand – In the South Pacific, the marine heatwave remains stable.

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