The NOAA’s Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP) Federal Advisory Committee (FAC) held its spring meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from February 28 to March 2, 2023. This committee provides NOAA with independent advice on improving the quality, efficiency, and usefulness of NOAA’s hydrographic services portfolio and navigation-related products, data, and services. CARICOOS co-hosted the meeting and welcomed Nicole Le Boeuf, Assistant Administrator, NOAA Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management; Rear Admiral Benjamin Evans, Director, Office of Coast Survey and HSRP Designated Federal Officer; Julie Thomson, Chair of the HSRP; HSRP members; and other NOS office directors.
Representatives from the US Caribbean local and federal agencies and maritime, academia, and private sectors, had the opportunity to share their hydrographic service needs and priorities and their reliance on NOAA products, data, and services. In addition, CARICOOS technical leadership, Julio Morell, Patricia Chardón-Maldonado, and Miguel Canals presented an overview of CARICOOS products, services, and decision support tools.
Our gratitude to Puerto Rico’s Resident Commissioner, Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon, for her time and insights.