Outlook of 2018 Sargassum blooms in the Caribbean Sea – October 1 2018, by USF Optical Oceanography Lab

So far the Caribbean Sea has experienced a record-high Sargassum bloom ever since January 2018. The maps below show Sargassum abundance, with warm colors representing high abundance. Satellite observations also showed Sargassum transport to the Gulf of Mexico, Florida Straits, and the east coast of Florida. All these observations have been are confirmed by the numerous reports of beaching events in these regions. In September 2018, the overall bloom intensity decreased from August, but still comparable to previous record in September 2015. Based on the current observations in the central West Atlantic and Caribbean Sea, we predict that the bloom intensity in the Caribbean Sea will continue to decrease in the coming months, and by November – December the bloom may dissipate significantly. Large Sargassum mats will be mostly confined in the northern Caribbean, while the southern Caribbean will be nearly free of such large mats.

Outlook of 2018 Sargassum blooms in the Caribbean Sea*
October 1st, 2018, by University of South Florida Optical Oceanography Lab