
Natural Coastal Barriers at Risk?

Coral reefs act as coastal barriers against incoming wave energy which would otherwise cause inundation and erosion. Their skeleton is made out of calcium, similar to our bones. When exposed to slightly more acidic water, resulting from an increased level of atmospheric CO2, they can undergo dissolution and weakening. The potential consequences could be devastating… Read More

¿En riesgo nuestras barreras costeras?

Los arrecifes de coral actúan como barreras naturales y disipan la energía de las olas antes de llegar a nuestras costas. El esqueleto de los corales vivos, y de aquellos muertos donde los vivos crecen, aguanta el embate de las olas. Este esqueleto esta hecho de calcio, igual que nuestros huesos. La exposición a aguas… Read More

Towards Improving Beach Water Quality Predictions

UPRM students, CARICOOS staff, and local volunteers occupy Rincon’s Public Beach for a 48-hr sampling campaign aiming at improving the first beach water quality nowcast in the island. The effort, which included hourly samples at eight different beach and fresh water stations, took place last October. Two laboratories were set up nearby for microbiological analysis,… Read More